Thursday, 31 March 2011

Crow's Nest Make Out of Hangers

Crow's Nest Make Out of Hangers

The clever crows have stolen hangers from the surrounding homes to make a nest.
This was taken at Kyushu University in Fukuoka City.

(Updated 2/6/2101)

The nest builder was the Jungle Crow japonensis - Large-billed Crow. The diameter and flexibility of wire coat hangers make perfect nest building material for Jungle Crows.
During the breeding season there is a possibility of local or large blackouts being caused by hanger nests built atop power polls and pylons. Kyushu Electric power company has "crow patrols" that search out and destroy hanger nests on their power grid. If you happen to notice one of these nests on a power pole call your electric company.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Riot Police & Flares

ARL2011-03-26-6425 by sinister pictures
ARL2011-03-26-6425, a photo by sinister pictures on Flickr.

Riot Police illuminated by a flare thrown from anarchists in Piccadilly Circus, London, 226-03-2011

Fires burn on Jermyn St.

Fires burn on Jermyn St. as riot police watch on silhouetted against the blaze. London 26-03-2011

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Squirty McSquirter

More iPhone macro fun.

Windscreen Wiper

Windscreen Wiper by sinister pictures
Windscreen Wiper a photo by sinister pictures on Flickr.

Playing with home made macro adapter for the iphone.

Saturday, 12 March 2011