Saturday, 13 August 2011

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

'Liz Jones - professional troll'

SWLf2011-06-11-5481 by sinister pictures
SWLf2011-06-11-5481, a photo by sinister pictures on Flickr.

'Liz Jones - professional troll' from Der 'hate' Mail, London Slutwalk UK 11-06-2011
Please read the linked page for more information on this, err, 'journalist'.



A wasp takes a drink in the hot weather.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Fans & Police

Fans & Police leave their mark outside the home where Amy Winehouse was found dead.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Old Skool 'turrst' keks.

When I was a young un, many moons ago, keks like these in varying patterns and colours were compulsory for ALL male tourists from the United States of America.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Crow's Nest Make Out of Hangers

Crow's Nest Make Out of Hangers

The clever crows have stolen hangers from the surrounding homes to make a nest.
This was taken at Kyushu University in Fukuoka City.

(Updated 2/6/2101)

The nest builder was the Jungle Crow japonensis - Large-billed Crow. The diameter and flexibility of wire coat hangers make perfect nest building material for Jungle Crows.
During the breeding season there is a possibility of local or large blackouts being caused by hanger nests built atop power polls and pylons. Kyushu Electric power company has "crow patrols" that search out and destroy hanger nests on their power grid. If you happen to notice one of these nests on a power pole call your electric company.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Riot Police & Flares

ARL2011-03-26-6425 by sinister pictures
ARL2011-03-26-6425, a photo by sinister pictures on Flickr.

Riot Police illuminated by a flare thrown from anarchists in Piccadilly Circus, London, 226-03-2011

Fires burn on Jermyn St.

Fires burn on Jermyn St. as riot police watch on silhouetted against the blaze. London 26-03-2011

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Squirty McSquirter

More iPhone macro fun.

Windscreen Wiper

Windscreen Wiper by sinister pictures
Windscreen Wiper a photo by sinister pictures on Flickr.

Playing with home made macro adapter for the iphone.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Monday, 21 February 2011

Bouncers at TopShop

Bouncers at TopShop Oxford Street.

Thursday, 17 February 2011


Bored of the District Line

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Students Protest Education Cuts 29th January 2011

As the centurion in Life of Brian would say, "your facking well nicked me beauty". Arrested on suspicion of criminal damage I believe.

Students Protest Education Cuts 29th January 2011

Pavement snogging.

Students Protest Education Cuts 29th January 2011


Students Protest Education Cuts 29th January 2011

A pair of student protestors make a break for the front doors of tory HQ at 30 Millbank.

Students Protest Education Cuts 29th January 2011

Students march down Malet Street

Students Protest Education Cuts London 29th January 2011

Students stage topless protest outside ULU.

Egyptian Embassy Protest 28th January 2011

Protesters carried on after dark on a cold night in London.

Egyptian Embassy Protest 28th January 2011

Proceedings were being semi secretly recorded from an upstairs window of the Egyptian Embassy.

Egyptian Embassy Protest 28th January 2011

Anti Mubarak protestors make their views known.

Egyptian Embassy Protest 28th January 2011

Not everyone was anti Mubarak.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Lovely pair of tits.

Blue Tits
Its colourful mix of blue, yellow, white and green make the blue tit one of the most attractive resident garden birds. Almost any garden with a peanut feeder will attract them and they readily breed in nestboxes. In winter they form flocks with other tit species and a garden with four or five at a bird table at any one time, may be feeding 20 or more.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Thursday, 6 January 2011

New Severn Bridge

Originally uploaded by sinister pictures

More practical for the modern traffic needs, but lacking the majesty of the original suspension bridge that remains upriver from it's contemporary sibling. Don't like the green either.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011