Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Today I did some freelance stuff at a printers, kinell words fail me. Nice enough people but I just don't know how businesses can be run like that.

The last lot I worked for, well Stetsons weren't compulsory, but should have been for 60% of them. Actually, the big streak of piss should have had a uniform consisting of nappy and rattle.

I wonder what joys tomorrow beholds?

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

British Nazi Party

So the British Nazi Party want to use iconic WWII allied imagery in their propaganda such as Spitfires & Churchill? I don't suppose they're bright enough to see the irony in that they are using imagery from the wrong side.

Regarding the spitfire image,


Moronic bigoted cunts.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

blog eh?

A place to vent my spleen I suspect.